Monday, September 14, 2015

Jack the Giant Killer - Adaptation

A lot of people know this tale, or at least the latest retelling of it.

The original Jack and the giants story dates back to the early 18th century, where Jack was a commonly used character in puppet shows, depicted as a cunning young man who frequently outsmarted multiple-headed giants with ease and finesse.

This simple plot device was remade, republished and refreshed throughout the 18th century, with instances of Jack and Giants cropping up with nearly every new edition of children books. It is speculated that the public had grown weary of tales of King Arthur, the original giant slayer, and Jack was created as a new entity to depict these stories.

 Jack is renown for slaying specifically British giants, most of which resembled giant hairy men, often with multiple heads.

I would like to reinvent this story, drawing inspiration from other cultures and pulling Jack away from traditional British folklore.
As I said in a previous post, British armour and weaponry is not particularly interesting to me, and I would love to completely turn this tale on it's head. 
(see image on left, hehe)

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