Tuesday, September 8, 2015

First Entry! Decisions, decisions.

This will be my first entry as a 4th year Computer Arts student! Scary stuff.
Over summer, i've tried to build an image of where I want to be at the end of fourth year.
Number 1 on this list is being able to show off a portfolio that i'm proud of, and will hopefully secure me a job/internship/other opportunity that will take me further in my career and well, life!

My main problem as 4th year rolls around is the fear that i'm just not skilled enough to make it.
Throughout university, I have learned these things:

Digital Illustration/Concept Art - I like doing this, wish to improve and am proud of my work so far.
2D Character Design - I like doing this, and I want to get better at this.
2D Environment Design - I like doing this, I want to get better at this.
3D Environment Design - I enjoy this from an illustrative view, I create an environment for engine in 3rd year, this was a good experience and I learned a lot, but I really struggled at the technical side of modelling.

Now i'm faced with the decision whether to work into the things I'm less skilled at, to try and give myself a good "all rounder" portfolio, or to focus on 2D art and really polish my strongest skills.
This is a tough one. 

Putting all my eggs in the 2D basket could prove too narrow a scope for this project (i'm yet to discuss any of this with any lecturers/tutors). However, being novice in all things wouldn't give me a portfolio i'd truly be proud of. 

On top of this, I must come up with a question to answer/discuss with my project.

I'm leaning towards concept art/illustration, due to a few things:

  • 2D art is my strong suite. I'm most passionate and learned in this realm.
  • Following this would allow multiple paths for the future, concept art, illustration, visual development. This is what steered me away from 3D and programming-based roles, as I feel like 4th year is more about becoming professional in a specific field(s), as opposed to trying to become "acceptable" at all/most fields.

 Problem with this:

  • Many times throughout my education at Abertay, I have been dissuaded from "chasing the concept art dream". I can understand this, as 2D concept art is a narrow field and being a professional in only this realm may limit my hireability. 

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