Wednesday, September 9, 2015

09/09/15 - Things I like/Things that are inspiring me at the moment!

Our lecture today further explained what was to be expected this year, more about what to think about when coming up with a proposal. It was a relief getting all this information so quickly, as I can immediately begin researching!

The last few days I've been pouring over my collection of art books and reference materials, thinking of what I would like out of this year, and the best way to achieve this. My personal goal this year is to produce something that I can use as a porfolio piece to ideally make me a desirable candidate for work in the film/games industry after university. 

One of the most inspiring pieces of research I've come across is The Skillful Huntsman, a visual development book based loosely on a Brother's Grimm tale. This book is a collaboration of 4 concept artists, and shows the various stages of concept design and visualization.

This book is one of my primary sources of inspiration, in both aesthetic and pipeline senses. The Skillful Huntsman demonstrates each and every stage of visual development, from thumbnail sketching to painted environmental renders. This is the kind of work I strive to produce.

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