Friday, October 30, 2015

30/10/2015 - A New Hope (ft Ryan Locke)

Today I spoke with Ryan, mostly to try and set aside some of the doubts and anxiety that have built up over the last few weeks. Worries about my research not being relevant enough, or that the materials and subjects I've been looking at aren't leading me to what I want to create.
Ryan took my ideas and put a research spin on it, we discussed the elements of design, as well as the visual language of shapes, and how this is essentially the root of all design.
For this year, I not only want to improve my own work and knowledge in the concept art realm, but also fill my mental reference library with the form and shapes I will study.

I want to create a design book. A book that features all of the visual elements required to create a world and tell a story. I've decided to base this story on the Cornish/British folklore tale, Jack the Giant Killer. Using the visual language I absorb from research, studying non-western culture in current media, I will imbue this tale with this language, creating a new and unique visual document that will not only show a story and world, but also how I design these elements.

What I wanna do:

Research - How Film/Game/TV interpret non-western cultures and display this
                  Semiotics - How it works for art
                  Shape language - Character/Environment/ANYTHING
                  World Of Warcraft - Pandarin Realm 
                  Break down concept art and show cultural influences/why they did it
                  Shape Design - Character sillhouettes
                                            Environment forms
Practical -  Shape language:
                                              Shape study/Paintovers
                                              Character Thumbs (silhouette/line/etc)
                                              Environment Thumbs ("")
                                              Pattern studies

Production - Visual Design Book:
                                                       Thumbnails - Character/Environment/Composition/Props
                                                       Character Sketches/Clothing/Tools/Vehicles/Weapons
                                                       + Rendering: Characters/Environment/Composition pieces

So this little list is a combination of my own ideas and some of the research aspects that Ryan discussed today. I already feel better just looking at it. Titles! Categories! My gosh.

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