Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Architecture Tests

Created some example concepts for what the architecture in my designs could look like. These were based off the existing studies done on the architecture and environments in the case studies, and in ancient Asia. Doing these tests meant I had a basis to build concepts on, drawing influence from the materials studied in co-ordinance with the criteria.                                                                           
Above  - Loose tests for environment piece, using the colour palettes gathered from the Water Tribe during Avatar: The Last Airbender analysis. 
This was dropped as part of the iteration process, as it seemed one of the weaker designs, and I was unsure how I could further include aspects of inspired Asiatic visual vulture. Further line and shape tests were made to further analyse the structures of ancient Asia, and concept sheets were made of my own concepts, imbued with this newly gained visual culture knowledge.

These are the architecture designs created, inspired from the studies on existing Asiatic and Middle-Eastern architecture. I was fairly happy with these, as I feel they display not only unique visual culture, but one that is reminiscent of the cultures I have studied to create them.
Taking these further, i'd like to take the stronger designs and create full turn-around images. I feel that some of the concepts would benefit greatly from a third dimension, and this may also help with scale. Small humanoid figures were added for scale, as many of these buildings were based on the tall stacked towers observed in the previous research. As well as this, influence was drawn from the previously created Sparth analysis diagrams, as I tried to keep the shapes simplistic, clean and effective.

The designs were coloured and textured using palettes and textiles created whilst analysing case studies and practical research. I tried to vary the textures and hues used in each design to allow for a wider range of unique designs to be made. 

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