Studies were made of cliffs and landscapes commonly occurring in Asiatic landscapes. From this cliff/lakebed study, it began the idea process which later resulted in a full concept piece.

Higher polish, beginning in greyscale to build values and scale. The 2 headed giant idea was inspired by the original Jack the Giant Killer tale, which features a wide range of humanoid giant concepts, most of which have multiple heads. I tried to create a sense of density and humidity, using the light reflecting from the lake to generate atmospheric mist and spray.
Using the greyscale image as a template, I applied colour via various layer settings and adjustments. This is one of the many ways I can generate images, but I used this method in particular in order to preserve the values and depth necessary to sell the atmosphere. The bridge used in the midground was inspired by traditional Chinese cantilever-style bridges, and was lit particularly to show this. I tried to lead the viewers eye with this piece, placing the character at the front, leading the eye around the treeline or along the river to the Giant silhouette. A regret of mine here was leaving the giant's figure lesser detailed, as looking back I can see where I might've added additional detail. However, the fog and silhouette adds a certain sense of looming dread, so it works.
Below - Cantilever-Style bridge